Friday, February 2, 2018

Full Dark, No Stars


This was a pretty great collection of short stories. Two of them are movies now. I enjoyed the general themes in all the stories. Ordinary people in extrodinary situations. On an individual rating: "1922" gets 3 stars. The first half of the story was amazing. A farmer trying to keep the property that actually belongs to his wife who now wants to sell it. In desperation, he plans to murder her and have their son help him do it. All good stuff. The second half of the same story concentrates on the son's Bonnie & Clyde descent which wasn't as suspensful or interesting as the first half. "Big Driver" gets a low 3 from me. Again, the first half of the story was amazing with this woman who is violently attacked and left for dead, but the other half of the story, her getting her revenge, was a bit hard to believe at times. "Fair Extension" gets a 4 from me. It was the shortest of the stories. It's about a man who is dying from cancer. He gets a second chance, giving to him by a strange man on an empty road. This one was the darkest in my opinion, but also kept me the most engaged. As for the last story, "A Good Marriage" I'm going to give it a solid 5. The premise? What happens if one day you discover your "good" husband is a serial killer? It starts out with a lot of backstory, but once it gets going, I loved every minute of it. Overall, this is a great collection.

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